Tips for Maintaining Your Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is a great option for your Dallas, GA, home, as it's capable of lasting for upwards of 100 years—yes, YEARS. That's a century that your home could boast these great benefits, among others:
- Beautiful look
- Durability
- Longevity
- Value
Though the hardwood products our flooring company provides are as durable as hardwood comes, that doesn't mean you can forget about it after we've installed it. No, to get the longest life out of your hardwood flooring while best maintaining its beauty, you need to give it a little TLC through the years. Here are some ways to maintain it:
Dust It with a Microfiber Cloth Every Day
This suggestion might sound a bit excessive, but it's worth the few minutes you'll invest in this work. By keeping your hardwood floors free of dirt and debris, you'll protect it from scratches that could compound over time and destroy its beauty and luster.
Mop It Once a Week with Minimal Moisture
To keep your hardwood flooring looking great while ensuring it's properly conditioned, mop it with a mixture of four cups water to a few droplets of gentle soap. THOROUGHLY wring out your hardwood and go back and dry it as soon as the work is done to ensure the best results while avoiding water damage.
Invest in a Hardwood Refinishing Every Seven to Ten Years
This simple work you can do can go a long way toward maintaining your hardwood, but it won't always be enough to keep it in the healthiest and best-looking condition. The real heavy lifting work should come every few years when you invest in a professional hardwood refinishing that will restore its former beauty.